
System Automation Commands

  • Version: 1.8.0
  • Official Verified

OpenBots Command group containing system automation commands (Email, File, Folder, Process, System, TextFile).

OpenBots.Commands.SystemAutomation \ Extract Files Command

Command: Extract Files Command

This command extracts file(s) from a Zip file.


Compressed File Path

Enter or select the Path to the source zip file.


Password (Optional)

Define the password to use if required to extract files.

Output Folder Path

Enter or select the Folder Path to move extracted file(s) to.


Output Extracted File Path List Variable

Create a new variable or select a variable from the list.


Private (Optional)

Optional field to mark the command as private (data sensitive) in order to avoid its logging.

Remote (Optional)

Optional field to mark the command as remote in order to execute it on a remote machine.

Error Handling

Optional field for how to handle errors encountered.


Comment (Optional)

Optional field to enter a custom comment which could potentially describe this command or the need for this command.
